Monthly Meeting
For further information, please go to the Members Area and click on Monthly Meetings in the Menu.
Report & Accounts
The Hon Treasurer's Report and the Trustees' Report and Statement of Accounts for 2023-2024 are available in the Reports and Accounts section of the Members Area.
Committee Business - and more
A record of business carried out by the Executive Committee is available in the Members Area.
Just click on Committee Business in the Members Area Menu.
If you click on Monthly Meetings, you'll see what's coming up soon.
You'll also find the latest Ezines by clicking on Publications and at the foot of this page there's a list of Local Tradesmen recommended by members for carrying out odd jobs and repairs.
U3A online and Facebook group
The national U3A, or Third Age Trust, has built partnerships with a number of organisations to offer online events, tutorials and visits on a wide range of subjects.
For example, some members of our Ukulele group have joined in the U3A Ukulele Jams.
Why not check out what's available at
There's also a Facebook group for U3A members only which always has some really interesting posts - from lovely photos of members' favourite places to puzzles, jokes, stories and discussion threads. The discussions range from what U3As are doing during lockdown to topical national and international issues.
If you use Facebook, have a look at 'u3a: Keeping in Touch'.